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Chapter 13 Contact Form


If you are facing a mountain of debt and bills and are considering bankruptcy, contact a lawyer who can help you evaluate your options.

Debra Booher & Associates is one of the leading Chapter 13 bankruptcy law firms in northeastern Ohio. Lawyers at our firm file more than 2,000 bankruptcy cases per year for clients throughout northeastern Ohio, including Akron, Canton, Cleveland and Kent/Ravenna.

Call Debra Booher & Associates for a no-obligation consultation about your Chapter 13 bankruptcy options.

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Call us now

or use the form below.

Chapter 13 Contact Form

*First Name
*Last Name

*Email Address

*Phone Number


Street Address


Incident Street Address

Incident Apt/Ste

*Incident Zip

Do you intend to file a joint bankruptcy petition?
Yes  No 

If yes, include information for both yourself and your spouse below.

Name(s), including middle initial.

Residence address, including county.

How long have you been at this address?

Address How Long?

Other telephone number(s)




Have you used any other name(s) in the last six years?
Yes  No 

If yes, please list here

Single  Separated  Married  Divorced 

If married, how long?

If divorced, how long?

Ages of minor children living with you

Ages, and amount of child support paid:

Age Amount

Is any child support past due?
Yes  No 


Husband’s employment:

How long at this job?


Income paid
weekly  semi-monthly  monthly  other 



Wife’s employment (name and addr.):

How long at this job?


Income paid
weekly  semi-monthly  monthly  other 



Income from other sources (second job, investments, social security, child support, worker’s compensation, etc. (state source and amount):

Do you owe any money to the Internal Revenue Service?
Yes  No 

If yes, for what year(s)?

How much?

Do you have any unpaid student loans?
Yes  No 


Monthly Expenses

Rent   Real Estate Taxes  
Electric   Home Maintenance  
Gas   Life Insurance  
Water   Health Insurance  
Phone   Auto Insurance  
Cable   Homeowner/Rent Ins.  
Trash   House Payment  

Do you pay anyone spousal support (alimony)
Yes  No 

If yes, to whom and how much?

Do you own or are you purchasing a home or other real property?
Yes  No 

Tax assessed value

First Mortgage Loan Balance

Loan Current?

Amount Behind

2nd Mortgage Loan Balance

Loan Current?

Amount Behind

3rd Mortgage Loan Balance

Loan Current?

Amount Behind

Are you facing foreclosure?
Yes  No 

Foreclosure Date

List any liens against your property

List all vehicle loans (car, truck, motorcycles; identify vehicle type)

Vehicle Est. Loan Balance Loan Current Amount Behind
     $      $
     $      $
     $      $

List all vehicles you own outright (no loan balance)

Vehicle Est. Value

Have you purchased any secured items (electronics, boats, jet ski, appliances, etc.) in the last two years on which you still owe money?
Yes  No 

Have you taken out a loan from a finance company, credit union, bank, or any other place and secured the loan by household items or other type of secured collateral?
Yes  No 

Creditors’ Names

Estimate balances owed on all other types of debt listed below

$  Medical Bills
$  NSF Checks
$  Credit Cards
$  Misc. Bills

When was the last time you used any of your credit cards? (approx. date)

How much has total owed on cards gone up in the last 12 months?

Have you had any new cards issued in the last 12 months?

Do you anticipate receiving a tax refund?
Yes  No 

How much?

Are you eligible for the Earned Income Credit?
Yes  No 

How much?

List all judgments, lawsuits, liens, and garnishments against you.

List all other assets not disclosed above, including bank accounts, stocks, bonds, trust funds, real property, home furnishings, etc.

Type of Asset Value Amount Owed
   $   $
   $   $
   $   $
   $   $
   $   $
   $   $
   $   $
   $   $

Special concerns

DISCLAIMER: This site and any information contained herein are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Seek competent legal counsel for advice on any legal matter.

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