COVID-19 Update: In order to best serve our clients, our office remains open for business.
To protect your safety in response to COVID-19, we are offering our clients the option to meet with us, via telephone or in-person, based on the client’s choice. Please call our office to discuss your options.

What Do I Bring To My Appointment?

1.) Personal Info Sheet

Click HERE for our form

2.) Two (2) months of pay stubs or other proof of income

We need to determine your average income so bring a few stubs if your pay has fluctuated.

3.) Monthly Budget Form

Make a list of all household expenses. You can use our Budget Form for better preparation.

4.) Most Recent Tax Return 

With w-2s and schedules attached

5.) List Of Assets

Including house, car, money in bank, possible lawsuits, pensions, stocks, etc. We need this information to enable us to properly advise you of your bankruptcy options. Bring documentation on pension plans, annuities, 401ks, etc., including summary plans and statements. ALSO, bring statements on life insurance policies with cash value.

6.) Information About Your House

“What do you need to know about my house?”

a. Mortgage balances $____________________
b. Purchase price $____________________
c. Fair market value $___________________
d. Copy of deed showing owners.

7.) Information Regarding Vehicles You Own

You can check several sites online for the trade and private party values of your car.

8.) A List Of Lawsuits Or Legal Actions

Bring copies of any lawsuits, judgments, garnishments, etc. that are currently against you or that you are a part of.

9.) Cash, Check, Debit Card, or Credit Card

To retain our services, you will need to bring payment. You only need $200 to hire us.

10.) Payment Books

For house, car loans and any other fixed monthly bills.

Contact Our Northeastern Ohio Law Firm

Drowning under the weight of your debt doesn’t have to be your life. There are debt-relief options out there, and our caring and experienced attorneys can help you decide which option makes the most sense for your financial situation. Put years of experience handling more than 15,000 bankruptcies at your disposal. Contact Debra Booher & Associates.

To schedule a case evaluation at any of our conveniently located offices in northeastern Ohio, call 888-542-1300 or contact us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.