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Consolidation may not always lead to desired debt relief in Ohio

On Behalf of | Nov 23, 2015 | Debt Relief |

When Ohio residents have a substantial amount of debt, they may consider various options in order to find relief. However, some debt relief options may seem too good to be true, and debt consolidation could fit that category in some instances. Therefore, when parties are looking to find a way to handle their debt, they typically benefit by ensuring that the individuals they work with are reliable.

Some consolidation companies may allow interested parties to make a free call in order to discuss their debt and the possibility of consolidation. Unfortunately, these calls can sometimes lead to an intense amount of pressure that could cause an individual to feel hounded. After making the first call, some consolidation companies continue to call or attempt to use other methods of communication in order to try to persuade individuals to use their company.

Offers to cut debt by considerable amounts can also be potentially misleading. Consolidation companies typically charge fees for their services, and though an individual may be making payments with the understanding that he or she is paying down debt, the company could be taking a considerable portion of those payments for its own fees. As a result, parties could find themselves facing a financial situation that may not be improving as they had hoped. 

Because debt relief is sought by many people, there are chances that certain individuals and companies offering help may not be entirely trustworthy. Ohio residents who are looking to handle their debt may wish to explore a variety of options, including bankruptcy protection, before deciding which path to follow. Reliable information is available from local resources, and consulting with a bankruptcy attorney could also prove beneficial.

Source:, “The truth and lies about those debt consolidation offers“, Denise Hnytka, Nov. 17, 2015


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