When debts and other monthly payment obligations become too much to handle, it can seem like you have limited options for how to make ends meet. Filing for bankruptcy is one such option, but the word itself carries somewhat of a negative connotation in casual...
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Tips to handle debt during divorce
In addition to the emotional impact of divorce, ending your marriage can also negatively affect your financial well-being. Whether you have shared debt with your spouse or you have accumulated bills you cannot pay with the cost of establishing a separate household,...
Does bankruptcy always result in business liquidation?
Making the choice to file bankruptcy may only come after you exhaust other options. When you do decide, you may wonder what will happen to your business. You may not have to liquidate your business even if you file for bankruptcy. Doing so under Chapter 13 or 11 may...
Keeping the past in the past with a fresh financial start
When people find themselves in a precarious financial situation in Ohio, they may be grasping for answers of things they can do to get out of debt and start anew. The challenge for many people is learning and developing new habits that will support a lifestyle where...
Are you drowning in credit card debt?
Like many Ohio residents, you may find that sometimes your expenses surpass your income. If this happens once in a while it may not be a big deal, but when it happens often, it can become destructive. Unfortunately, some people in this situation use their credit cards...
Chapter 13 and your job
Also known as a wage earner's plan, Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be very beneficial for many people who have regular income due to a full-time job. However, it is important to take your job (as well as the income you earn) into consideration if you plan on filing for...
What are the signs credit card debt is too high?
A credit card is a nice thing to have. When used correctly, it can help you in emergency situations or enable you to build your credit score for other financial moves down the road. However, many people in Ohio and other states struggle with credit card debt. If you...
What are some bankruptcy myths?
When it comes to filing bankruptcy in Ohio, there are many myths. If you believe them, it could be harmful to you in the long run. Some myths vilify bankruptcy and could make you avoid filing when it really is the right option for your situation. Others can just...
Is it possible to recover your finances following a bankruptcy?
Financial problems can be some of the most stressful hurdles to overcome, especially when your troubles involve mounting debts with shrinking deadlines. If you have found yourself considering filing for bankruptcy in Ohio. You may be wondering how bankruptcy...
How Chapter 13 bankruptcy works
When people are facing the challenges of dealing with ongoing financial problems, one of their best options may be to file for bankruptcy protection in Ohio. Bankruptcy can help people to escape the pressures of being in debt and allow them new opportunities to...