When people think about bankruptcy, they likely understand the potential financial benefits of filing a petition, such as getting rid of debt or establishing a payment plan that helps one tackle their financial problems. However, what some may not realize is that...
Month: February 2018
Child support obligations and bankruptcy
When it comes to bankruptcy, each case is unique and some people face particularly difficult challenges, such as those who are struggling with child support payments. With regard to bankruptcy and child support, there are a number of things that non-custodial parents...
Bankruptcy filing in place for popular gun brand, Remington
One of the most feared nightmares of any Ohio company is the reality of needing to file for bankruptcy when a major bump in the road hurts sales and withholds profits. Many companies go to great lengths to protect against the financial pitfalls that are so notorious...
Chapter 7 and different property exemptions
Bankruptcy often brings up various issues, but it is essential to keep in mind that each case is unique. The ins and outs of one person's circumstances may vary dramatically in comparison to another person's financial hurdles, which is why it is so crucial to figure...
5 steps to improving your financial situation
Alexandra is usually very well put-together, never a hair out of place and always perfectly dressed for the occasion. The morning she met Katie for coffee, however, her blouse was half tucked in and had a stain on the sleeve. Her eyes looked tired and there were bags...