When debts and other monthly payment obligations become too much to handle, it can seem like you have limited options for how to make ends meet. Filing for bankruptcy is one such option, but the word itself carries somewhat of a negative connotation in casual...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Tips to handle debt during divorce
In addition to the emotional impact of divorce, ending your marriage can also negatively affect your financial well-being. Whether you have shared debt with your spouse or you have accumulated bills you cannot pay with the cost of establishing a separate household,...
Does bankruptcy always result in business liquidation?
Making the choice to file bankruptcy may only come after you exhaust other options. When you do decide, you may wonder what will happen to your business. You may not have to liquidate your business even if you file for bankruptcy. Doing so under Chapter 13 or 11 may...
Can I keep my car if I file for bankruptcy?
Many people believe that filing for bankruptcy means that they will lose everything. However, bankruptcy is a form of debt relief, not asset relief. The law allows you to exempt certain items when you file for bankruptcy protection, including your car. Whether this is...