When debts and other monthly payment obligations become too much to handle, it can seem like you have limited options for how to make ends meet. Filing for bankruptcy is one such option, but the word itself carries somewhat of a negative connotation in casual...
Chapter 13
Tips to handle debt during divorce
In addition to the emotional impact of divorce, ending your marriage can also negatively affect your financial well-being. Whether you have shared debt with your spouse or you have accumulated bills you cannot pay with the cost of establishing a separate household,...
Does bankruptcy always result in business liquidation?
Making the choice to file bankruptcy may only come after you exhaust other options. When you do decide, you may wonder what will happen to your business. You may not have to liquidate your business even if you file for bankruptcy. Doing so under Chapter 13 or 11 may...
Chapter 13 may help Ohio residents when debts exceed assets
When facing considerable debt, looking into bankruptcy as a serious option may be a step that many Ohio resident wish to take. There are various bankruptcy avenues, such as Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, that could potentially fit particular situations. If individuals earn...
Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 may help discharge debt in Ohio
When debt becomes too overwhelming, many Ohio residents may begin thinking about what proactive steps they may be able to take in order to get a handle on their finances. Bankruptcy is a common form of debt management that has helped and will continue to help numerous...
Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 may prove beneficial to Ohio residents
Making the decision to move forward with bankruptcy can be a big step for anyone looking for a fresh financial start, including those here in Ohio. There may be multiple questions that need to be answered before a case can proceed, the first of which is likely whether...
Worrisome debt may lead Ohio residents to Chapter 13, Chapter 7
For many Ohio residents, the desire to be on stable financial footing is one that may seem unattainable. Parties may feel as if their debt is too substantial to overcome and that they will be left struggling to make payments for the foreseeable future. However,...
Chapter 7, Chapter 13 options for Ohio residents with debt
When Ohio residents are looking for ways to handle their debt issues, they may consider filing for bankruptcy. However, there are multiple types of bankruptcy, and individuals may not know the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. As a result, they may not...
Some Ohio residents may consider Chapter 13 debt repayment plan
Becoming overwhelmed with debt may be a fear that many Ohio residents share. These consumer fears are understandable as debt can accumulate more quickly than expected. If residents find themselves facing situations in which they are unable to handle their debt...
Ohio residents may find Chapter 13 bankruptcy beneficial
For numerous Ohio residents, financial status may play a considerable role in how they view themselves and how they believe other people view them. Some individuals facing financial difficulties may believe that they should feel ashamed about their situation, and that...