When debts and other monthly payment obligations become too much to handle, it can seem like you have limited options for how to make ends meet. Filing for bankruptcy is one such option, but the word itself carries somewhat of a negative connotation in casual...
Chapter 7
Tips to handle debt during divorce
In addition to the emotional impact of divorce, ending your marriage can also negatively affect your financial well-being. Whether you have shared debt with your spouse or you have accumulated bills you cannot pay with the cost of establishing a separate household,...
Does bankruptcy always result in business liquidation?
Making the choice to file bankruptcy may only come after you exhaust other options. When you do decide, you may wonder what will happen to your business. You may not have to liquidate your business even if you file for bankruptcy. Doing so under Chapter 13 or 11 may...
Ohio residents struggling financially may consider Chapter 7
Many Ohio residents may be able to attest to the fact that facing financial issues can be a significantly stressful situation. Individuals may struggle daily just to meet their needs as they work to handle their debt on a limited income. For individuals who may not...
Understanding Chapter 7, 13 may be useful to Ohio residents
Many Ohio residents may find the idea of making financial decisions overwhelming. In many cases, decisions regarding important aspects of life can seem even more daunting. If individuals are facing situations, such as wanting to better manage considerable debt, they...
Chapter 7 may help Ohio residents facing business losses
Business losses can be a strong factor in an individual needing personal financial help. In many cases, these losses may lead to Ohio residents facing thousands if not millions of dollars in debt that they may not know how to handle on their own. As a result, they may...
Ohio residents facing debt may want to consider Chapter 7
Even individuals who feel relatively secure in their spending habits could find themselves in a tough financial spot. Finances can quickly become complicated for anyone, and what may begin as a small issue could lead an Ohio resident into thousands of dollars of debt...
Business losses could lead to Chapter 7 in Ohio
Having a business struggle can have considerable impacts on an individual. That party may have placed a great deal of time and money into the business, and it's financial losses could lead to serious debt issues. Ohio residents may be interested in a case in another...
Chapter 7 a good option for Ohio residents consumed with debt
When a Ohio business owner faces financial difficulties, he or she may be concerned over how to handle accrued debt. One man in another state recently filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Reports indicated that the man is an accomplished home builder and developer. He...
Chapter 7 could help Ohio residents with considerable debt
When individuals have a passion for something, they often want to share that passion with others. In some cases, Ohio residents may open businesses pertaining to their interests. Unfortunately, not all businesses are successful, and individuals could face a...