As an Ohio resident who is looking to regain control over your finances, you may be wondering whether filing for bankruptcy may help give you the fresh start you desperately need. You may, too, be familiar with the various types of personal bankruptcies, including...
Month: November 2018
What are the exemptions allowed under Ohio law?
When a person files bankruptcy in Ohio, the court may take his or her assets to pay off debts. However, the idea behind bankruptcy is to give a person a fresh start, so there are some assets the court may not take so the person still has items to rebuild with after...
Bankruptcy and cryptocurrency investments
When it comes to filing a bankruptcy petition, we have looked into many different legal issues affecting those who are facing financial challenges. With the emergence of new financial considerations due to technology, such as cryptocurrency investments, there are even...
How to balance bankruptcy with divorce
For many couples in Ohio, financial challenges can create or add to marital strife. Problems with money can even at times contribute to an irreconcilable breakdown of a marriage. If you and your spouse are in this situation where you have decided to get divorced but...
What can you do about creditor harassment?
If you have more debt than you can handle, you are probably no stranger to collection notices and phone calls. Perhaps those notices and phone calls feel like they have taken over your life, adding to your financial stress. You can protect yourself. Know your rights...