Even individuals who feel relatively secure in their spending habits could find themselves in a tough financial spot. Finances can quickly become complicated for anyone, and what may begin as a small issue could lead an Ohio resident into thousands of dollars of debt...
Month: January 2016
Bankruptcy may be able to help struggling young people in Ohio
Though young people may wish to be financially savvy, it can be difficult to stay in a stable place when it comes to money. As a result, bankruptcy could end up being an option for some Ohio residents to consider. It was recently reported that 50 percent of...
Holiday debt may continue to plague Ohio residents
The holiday season is notorious for spending money on gifts, holiday meals and other expenses. However, even after the season ends, Ohio residents can still be feeling the impact of that spending. Accumulating considerable debt during the holidays is not unusual, but...
Medical debt can plague Ohio cancer patients, survivors
Learning that an individual has cancer can be a dreaded situation for any Ohio resident. Even if a patient survives such an illness, the effects of the disease can plague that person for years, in physical and financial aspects. Medical debt can lead many individuals...
Ohio residents may be able to discharge student loan debt
When many Ohio college students finish school, they have a considerable amount debt from student loans. In many cases, student loan debt is not easily resolved, but some individuals are having success in discharging such debt through bankruptcy. If parties who have...