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Debt can actually damage your health

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2018 | Bankruptcy |

Have you noticed newly gray hairs sprout lately? It might not be from aging. Instead, the stress of debt could be wearing on you. Aside from a few new wrinkles, debt can also contribute to serious health concerns.

Under the strain of finances, your stress level might increase every time your phone rings because it could be another debt collector. Increased stress can affect your body in many ways over time.

Insomnia and restlessness

Fatigue is a common symptom of debt. The human body repairs and refreshes itself as you sleep. Getting enough sleep is not only necessary to stay alert at work, but it may also prevent some chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s or arthritis.

If you have debt, you might lay awake in bed worrying about how to survive. Even if you finally fall asleep, you might wake up in the middle of the night and have to start the process over again.

Affects of hormones

Stress produces hormones that can also change your body. Long-term exposure to these specific chemicals can be hard on your organs and circulatory system. For instance, people with higher stress levels are more likely to have a heart attack or diabetes.

Reduce stress

While coping methods like alcohol, drugs, gambling, binge eating and ignoring bills naturally draw in many people who owe money, there are better ways to manage stress. Therapy is one option, although it can sometimes be too expensive for people in debt.

Free or inexpensive stress relievers you can try include meditation, deep breaths, yoga, practicing a hobby, journaling, aromatherapy and exercise.

For a more lasting solution, you might rethink your finances. This could include refinancing loans, making a tighter budget or filing for bankruptcy. Declaring bankruptcy isn’t always the best resolution, so a lawyer will be able to discuss if it can help you.


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