Getting back on your feet after you have filed for bankruptcy in Ohio may take some time, but it is doable when you identify improvements that you can make in the way you had previously managed your finances. At Debra Booher & Associates Co., LPA, we are experienced in helping people manage their bankruptcy filing with confidence, optimism and efficiency.
While bankruptcy may appear as a solution for all of your financial frustrations, it is important to remember that there are still obligations that you must fulfill. Staying as independent as possible in paying off debts that are not covered by bankruptcy is imperative to your ability to get back on track for financial success. One area that is relatively untouched by your bankruptcy filing is your responsibility to pay child support.
According to the Department of Job and Family Services, in Ohio, child support is exempt from bankruptcy filings and you are still required to make your payments. Another important fact to note is that if you are already delinquent on your payments, this debt is not made obsolete by your bankruptcy filing. Taking measures to get your delinquent payments paid back immediately, as well as making a plan to continue to make payments despite your current financial situation, is imperative to your ability to stay out of legal trouble. If you were currently having income withheld because of delinquent child support payments, your employer may be notified of your bankruptcy filing and the task of reminding you about these child support payments will be turned over to the bankruptcy court or agency you are working with.
Being aware of the payments you are still required to continue paying despite having filed for bankruptcy can help you to maintain responsibility so that you can continue to work toward financial freedom again. For more information about filing for bankruptcy, visit our web page.