Credit score: that is what many people are worried about if they file for bankruptcy. If you talk to an attorney and decide that bankruptcy protection is the best option to help you achieve a better financial future, then you’ll want to begin repairing your credit as soon as possible.
For up to 10 years, a bankruptcy will show up on a person’s credit report, but while a decade may seem like a long time, it’s important to begin rebuilding your credit sooner rather than later. Following are a few considerations to help Ohio residents begin repairing their credit.
Sometimes credit reports are inaccurate, so bankruptcy filers should get copies of their credit scores to make certain that closed accounts are listed as closed, and to ensure that the debts listed in the bankruptcy match up with the debts on the credit report. Each of the three largest credit bureaus in the U.S. is required by law to provide an individual with one free credit report per year upon request. If something is amiss on your credit report, you can dispute the problem and have it changed.
Many people are reticent about getting another credit card after filing for bankruptcy, and with good reason. However, though it may not be right for everyone, getting a secured credit card could help you begin rebuilding your credit score.
A secured card is backed up by a deposit put down by the cardholder, and the line of credit is the same amount as the deposit. Because of that, the majority of people are approved for this kind of card. If you have questions about secured credit, you can ask your attorney if a secured card is right for your situation.
You’ll also want to start off on the right foot and pay all of your bills on time. This may mean scrimping and cutting back on extras such as eating out and paying for entertainment. But sticking to payment deadlines will gradually rebuild your credit score. To put this aspect in perspective, consider that generally 35 percent of a person’s credit score is attributed to payment history.
Ohio residents with debt relief concerns may want to meet with a bankruptcy attorney to weigh all of the options. If bankruptcy isn’t right for you, then there may be other debt relief paths to consider.
Source: MSN Money, “How to rebuild credit after bankruptcy,” May 31, 2013