While there are any number of reasons why people choose to file for personal bankruptcy in Cuyahoga Falls, the established reason for filing for bankruptcy remains the same: to protect one’s personal assets. While some may view bankruptcy as a convenient way to cover up for one’s lavish spending, while others recognize scenarios where it is truly one’s only option, the fact is that those who file are still placing themselves at the mercy of the bankruptcy court and their creditors in an attempt to meet an agreeable solution that allows one to keep some of his or her personal assets while still meeting some of the debts that he or she owes.
A Detroit woman recently served as a reminder of this when her current personal bankruptcy case was brought up as part of an ongoing campaign for a Detroit city office. The woman correctly identified the intended purpose for personal bankruptcy as an asset protection tool, not a debt resolution one. She believes then that she is simply using the tools afforded to her to address her personal debts, and that her decision to file for personal bankruptcy should have no bearing on her capacity to do the job to which she aspires.
The decision to file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy typically isn’t an easy one, and most only view it as a method of last resort. However, the option is there for those who need it. Anyone facing mounting debts that he or she feels can’t be resolved without help may wish to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to see what options he or she has.
Source: Detroit Free Press “City clerk candidate says personal bankruptcy won’t affect ability to do the job” Joe Guillen, Sep. 17, 2013