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Don’t mistake debt relief companies for financial advisors

On Behalf of | Nov 18, 2013 | Debt Relief |

Isn’t it funny how getting in debt is easy, yet getting out of it is so difficult. The urge to satisfy momentary impulses will often lead people in Cuyahoga Falls to make unwise financial choices, the consequences of which often last a lot longer than the payoff that they initially received. The thrill of a purchase can be fleeting compared with the stress one may face as the accompanying debt negatively impacts his or her job, marriage, and physical health.

Debt relief companies have become popular in recent years based on their claims to be able to eliminate one’s debt while allowing him or her to pay less towards the bills that he or she is currently having difficulty affording. They thrive by painting a picture of creditor rigidity, making potential customers feel as though they’ll receive no understanding should they attempt to work directly with the institutions they’re indebted to. While many of the debt reduction plans they offer are sound, these companies and their workers are often incorrectly identified as financial advisors. One should remember that even though they offer debt relief, these companies are still trying to sell a product (off of which they profit), and that their key to selling it is making people believe that they have few other options.

While many have benefitted from the services offered by debt relief companies, it’s important to remember that there are always other options when it comes to debt relief. Many may look deeper into the state of their finances and discover that a debt relief agency may actually hinder their progress at becoming debt free.

The financial situation one is in should be the determining factor in what debt relief strategy he or she chooses, not the advice of a salesman. For many, personal bankruptcy remains the safest and most financially feasible method of debt relief. A bankruptcy attorney may be a good source to go to for information about one’s debt relief options.

Source: Huffington Post “Why Debt Relief Help is Broken in America” Steve Rhode, Nov. 13, 2013


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