Going to college can be the highlight of many Ohio residents’ early lives. However, having to deal with student loan debt for years after graduating could put a damper on the success of obtaining a degree. Many individuals likely know that such debt is not easily shed under bankruptcy or other debt relief options, but a case in another state could potentially impact how student loans are handled under bankruptcy.
Apparently, a man who is currently facing $246,000 in student loan debt at the age of 65 is pursuing a bankruptcy case in order to address his debt. Reports state that the man is requesting that the court actually define the term “undue hardship,” which often comes up when discussing the discharging of student loan debt. As a result, his case could considerably impact how bankruptcy courts deal with such debt.
If individuals are looking to be released from student loan obligations, they must prove some undue hardship that is hindering their ability to repay their loans. However, because this term does not have a legal definition, proving such hardship can be considerably difficult. If this man’s case is successful and a definition is given to the term, individuals may be better able to understand how bankruptcy could affect student loans.
Discharging student loan debt could ease financial burdens for many Ohio residents. As a result, they may wish to stay updated on the progress of this case and how the outcome could affect bankruptcy proceedings regarding such debt. If individuals would like to find out more information on bankruptcy and other debt relief options, consulting an experienced bankruptcy attorney may be beneficial.
Source: upi.com, “Bankruptcy case could make it easier to shed student loans“, Amy R. Connolly, Oct. 9, 2015