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Filing for bankruptcy as a parent

On Behalf of | Feb 23, 2019 | Bankruptcy |

We have discussed many bankruptcy-related concerns and the different circumstances people who have excessive debt find themselves in. If you are a parent, there are a number of factors that you may want to take into consideration if you are thinking about filing a bankruptcy petition. Regardless of which type of bankruptcy you settle on, there are multiple issues to consider as a parent in this position and bankruptcy could be advantageous for you and your children as well.

For a parent, numerous financial demands can make daily life hard, and our law office completely understands what parents who are experiencing financial challenges have to go through. You may be struggling with buying clothes and school supplies for your kids, paying bills and putting food on the table. Some parents even find themselves buried in debt because of the obligations they have, and many parents are distressed over debt that was the result of costly college tuition.

By getting rid of your debt, you may not only gain financial freedom that helps you support your child from a financial point of view, but you may feel relieved and more energetic, which could help you be a better parent overall. Debt can create a great deal of anxiety and this can also make life emotionally challenging for kids.

Tackling debt can be helpful for parents in many other ways too, such as those who are struggling with child support or costly health care. As a result, you should carefully explore your bankruptcy options and move forward with a strategy that will best suit the needs of your family.


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